- https://medibloc.com/en/
Medibloc is a patient centered private data exchanges. Created to give users control over there health records. Its called Pancea " a decentrilized blockchain network for health data. panacea is created by medibloc.
- 5%
- 5
I think this is a really cool idea, and something that if everyone hopped on it would be really helpful to everyone but I feel like for this to become a successful business the crypto market needs to grow a lot more and become more known. It still very small.
they are not hiring. but these are a few jobs I could find that there current employees have but I couldn't get much information.
block chain developer ( couldn't find description but is self explanatory)
- couldn't find that
I couldn't find anymore jobs, they have 8 employees. And most of the stuff that talked ab it was in Korean