- https://www.riotblockchain.com/
Riot Blockchain Inc is focused on building, supporting and operating blockchain technologies. Distributed blockchain technology is a decentralized and encrypted ledger that is designed to offer a secure, efficient, verifiable and permanent way of storing records and other information without the need for intermediaries. It serves as a medium of exchange, store of value or unit of account. The company's portfolio consists of Verady, Tesspay, Coinsquare, and others.
- 40%
- 7
The company mined a staggering 3812 Bitcoin in the calendar year 2021, with an average cost of $11,949 per token. The mining numbers on the cost per token represent notable improvements over the figures put forward last year as Riot's mining costs were trending closer to $15,000 per token. It is clear that Riot is leading the race.
IT Technician
- $43636
Cybersecurity Analyst
- Bachelor degree in cybersecurity or closely related field
- $63235