- https://www.coinbase.com/plp/nar3?utm_source=google_search_b&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=14162546120&utm_content=126804837498&utm_term=coinbase&utm_creative=570421865907&cb_device=c&cb_placement=&cb_country=us&cb_city=open&cb_language=en_us&gclid=CjwKCAiA55mPBhBOEiwANmzoQmICp2rP53U6AOQEj_BIH0mnqsvQHeNCSDEA3IypDXBhro9vFBgc5hoCXucQAvD_BwE
Online platform for storing, buying and selling digital currency. Serves as a bank account for digital currency and allows users to convert real money to digital currency.
- 2%
- 7
I feel coinbase is a good way to get involved in crypto currency and other forms of digital currency. With safety and user security being a large emphasis I feel it is a trusting network to use and/or invest in.
Data engineer, Marketing and Finance, Institutional sales trading and prime Services, Program Management.
- 100,000