Environmental & Sustainability


Company Website Link: https://bitgreen.org/ Company Ticker Symbol: BITG 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: Bitgreen is a company that uses financial incentive to drive users to participating in sustainability projects to help with the environment. It uses a open wallet app to help conserve […]

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Clean Air Task Force

Company Website Link: https://www.catf.us/ Company Ticker Symbol: CATF 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: Company driven to push the technology and policy changes needed to achieve a zero-emissions, high-energy planet at an affordable cost. There trying to meet the world’s rising energy demand in

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Company Website Link: https://nori.com/ Company Ticker Symbol: NORI 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: Nori is a company which holds the marketplace for a new cryptocurrency they are pushing called Nori Carbon Removal Tonnes (NRT). Each NRT bought is one ton of carbon removed

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Company Website Link: https://suncontract.org/ Company Ticker Symbol: SNC 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: SunContract is a company for energy consumers who are interested in lowering their energy costs, and energy producers interested in increasing their returns on surplus production. Their vision is to

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