Decentralized Exchanges (DEX)


Company Website Link: Company Ticker Symbol: UNI / USD 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: Uniswap is a leading decentralized crypto exchange that runs on the Ethereum blockchain. The protocol has gained  popularity this year thanks to the Decentralized finance phenomenon and the associated surge in […]

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Company Website Link: Company Ticker Symbol: XMR 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: Monero’s blockchain is private, meaning the sending and receiving addresses of any Monero exchanges cannot be traced. This is different from major cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum which have

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Company Website Link: Company Ticker Symbol: BTC 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: Bitcoin is a digital currency which works without a central control or an oversight of banks or governments. It relies on the blockchain and cryptography to keep it secure. It’s

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Company Website Link: Company Ticker Symbol: AVAX 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: Avalanche is an open, programmable smart contract platform. Avalanche is the Fastest smart contract platform and has the most validators out of any proof of stake system. The goal of

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