Banking, Lending, Borrowing


Company Website Link: Company Ticker Symbol: CRCL 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: Circle allows for money transfer and crypto investment. They focus on the peer to peer transfer aspect heavily. Think of it as PayPal or Venmo for crypto.  If you had […]

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Company Website Link: Company Ticker Symbol: XLM 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: Stellar is an open network for transacting money, storing it and moving it. You can create, send, and trade all different forms of money including just to name a few,

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Company Website Link: Company Ticker Symbol: XLM 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: Stellar is an open-source network for currencies and payments. Stellar makes it possible to create, send and trade digital representations of all forms of money—dollars, pesos, bitcoin, pretty much anything.

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