
Coinbase Global Inc

Company Website Link: https://www.coinbase.com/about Company Ticker Symbol: COIN 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: The company aims to let people send a receive bitcoin and other forms of crypto, and it has a tracking source on its website and app that helps people track […]

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Company Website Link: https://decentraland.org/ Company Ticker Symbol: MANA 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: This company is a sort of virtual world that people live in. The main part of the game is buying pieces of land in the world and it’s biggest feature

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Company Website Link: https://ammbr.com/ Company Ticker Symbol: AMR 500 Character max summary of what this company does and/or what problem are they trying to solve.: Makes a blockchain wireless network where users can buy/sell Internet bandwidth. It wants to solve the gap of rural communities without internet access. Members of Ammbr buy and sell their

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