- https://www.coinbase.com/plp/nar3?utm_source=google_search_b&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=6455323584&utm_content=77255054316&utm_term=coinbase&utm_creative=560747774819&cb_device=c&cb_placement=&cb_country=us&cb_city=open&cb_language=en_us&gclid=Cj0KCQiAraSPBhDuARIsAM3Js4r6qxHCXAz_xgAZeVMXnrCRqam64ub67zevhEn7pVqSEhqfDg6P8HUaAje2EALw_wcB
- CB
This company is trying to give everyone access to crypto. Everybody loves crypto, and they love to have a simple service where they can trade it. I think they are trying to solve the problem of a lack of accessibility to trading crypto. This company is a mix of a bank and a gambling website. This does not matter and it might not be true, but what I am meaning to say is that this company has the advantage that people want to gamble, and crypto is another way they can do that.
- I would invest 10%
- 7
I have a good overall opinion. They are very strong and they have many things going for them. The user interface is great and I could see how people could get addicted to an app like this.
Systems analyst
- master
- unknown
account specialist
- masters
- unknown
- master
- unknown