MakerDAO There are no reviews yet. Be the first to write one.

  • MKR
  • ETH based organization that allows anyone to lend and borrow crypto without any credit checks or middle man (bank/ATM). It uses its own stable coin to ensure that the amount you take out wont fluctuate based on the performance of the coin making it a safe transaction.

  • 4%
  • 8
  • It is a step in the right direction for banking and transferring from token to token is risky so their solution to that is very smart and beneficial. Once there is a way to go from one blockchain to another I believe that will be the leader in this section so I wouldn't invest to much and wait until that happens to invest.

  • Weekly governance recap for MKR holders. This requires sending a weekly message letting holders know what is happening in the ecosystem with an unbiased opinion so they can vote on issues stated.

  • not stated
  • Reddit moderator. 1 hour a day to discuss the protocol of Maker, describing what it is and answering questions.

  • not stated
  • not stated

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